
Beer Mac and Cheese

Here’s what you will need:
* 16-oz box of pasta
* 3 Tbsp. butter
* 3 Tbsp. flour
* 1 cup German pilsner-style beer
* 1 cup cream
* 4 oz cream cheese 
* 8 oz shredded cheddar cheese
* 8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
Boil pasta until cooked; drain and set aside.
Melt butter in a clean pot, and add flour. Mix until it forms a paste.
Pour in beer, then cream, and finally cream cheese. Stir until melted and bring to a low boil.
Add in both types of cheese and stir until melted. Add pasta to the pot (or in a separate serving bowl if preferred). Optional: Top with more cheese and sea salt for extra flavor. Pair with your favorite beer, and enjoy!