

If you are here looking for an easy, delicious and colorful dessert, I am so thrilled; you have landed here on Berries And White Chocolate. 

I had never blogged about Berries and White Chocolate before because I thought everyone already enjoyed this fantastic treat.  If you have not already experienced this dessert, this post is for you. 

What type of berries should you use?

I make Berries and White Chocolate often with whatever berries I have on hand.  To be honest, I love frozen blackberries, blueberries and or raspberries covered in this Hot White Chocolate Ganache.  The combination of hot white chocolate with frozen berries make my mouth extremely excited.  The pictures below show fresh berries which are also delicious with the white chocolate.  The day I took these pictures I had just got home from the store with fresh berries that were on sale.  I could not wait to cover them with the ganache.  They were beautiful juicy berries calling my name.

  • White Chocolate Ganache
  • Twelve ounces white chocolate
  • four ounces heavy cream
  • One teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 pound mixed berries, frozen is better
  1. Use a microwave safe bowl to heat the white chocolate with the heavy cream for a minute. Stir until chocolate has completely melted. You can melt the chocolate slowly over a double boiler too. Remove from the microwave or double boiler before completely melted and stir chocolate until smooth.
  2. Do not over cook chocolate.
  3. Stir in vanilla.
  4. Spoon White Chocolate Ganache over fresh or frozen berries.